22 December, 2007


Okay....Christmas is just around the corner, and I have only purchased a handful of gifts!!!
AAARRGH!!!! I can't believe that!

Now, I'm the first one to stand up and say...."I'm a procrastinator"
but not at Christmastime. I love Christmas, and I'm usually pretty good about gift buying. Card-sending, well that's another story.

I'm frazzeled today. I am working today, then I have a Christmas dinner tonight. Working Sunday night.....I feel the walls closing in on me right about now.

I think....gift cards for everyone.

16 December, 2007

My first day off since November 2nd

....and it's another snow/sleet storm.
Can you believe this?!!?!

The storm on Thursday was horrible. 13+" And the commute from hell.
It took me 2 hours to drive home (normally a 25-30 minute drive)

Now todays storm is supposed to eventually turn to rain, but freeze overnight.
That means my drive to work in the AM is going to be white-knuckled.

.....nooooowwwww, none of this matters today because I have No work
(just visualize me doing a little ditty while singing, I don't have to go to work!)

I FINALLY decorated my tree! Woohoo! Now all I have to do is my Christmas shopping!
I was hoping to do it today....but the roads are terrible.

Sunday school was cancelled...I skipped church this morning too...and I have to go out to dinner tonight...our little Christmas party, downtown NB, but it may be called off on account of the weather...I hope so.

Well, I have to go referee a fight between the kids.....


Mariel is back and I FINALLY dropped a package at the post office...a rather large package...what a load off my back. I've been meaning to send it out for a month or so. It cost me a good penny and I'm not really sure what I packed in there, because it's been so long....but hopefully Lindyloo will photograph the contents for me.

11 December, 2007

Rebel Yell!!

Okay, I'm sitting on the couch this morning instead of speeding to work because T got a "bus slip" for acting up on the bus again and poking a hole in the bus seat with a toy jet. Yes I'm talking about the sweet little 7 year old.....so it's banishment from bus privileges. Yes, you heard right.

So my question is.....who is being punished here??

I have to lose pay because I'm not at work....and he still gets to go to school...in style, I might ad. Personally chauffeured.

Now, we are waiting for a bill from the bus company for a new seat cover.

I told him he was infor a nice punishment but I had to sit and think of one bad enough....any suggestions on what I can do to get it through to him.

His excuse is always the same. My brain was telling me to do it. I didn't want to, but it made me do it.

This was very cute in the beginning but now I'm wondering if he really does have a little guy in his head....

Last week, while at the grocery store, a clerk gave T a cookie. When I noticed that he had it wrapped in a napkin, behind his back...I had to ask...

...his reponse, "I'm hiding it from my brain, so I don't eat it all at once"

I think I'm in trouble! HELP!

08 December, 2007


Wow! It's almost Christmas!

I can't believe how time is flying. I finally read Squide's blog tonight....it's been about 2 weeks since I've had the time to read it,let alone respond or post anything of my own.

I still have 2 more weeks of training before I start my regular schedule.
My first day on the job will be Christmas Eve.....I know, that sucks, but I have to do it.

I am going to save money for a trip to Sao Miguel this summer. I also want to visit lindyloo, if she'll have me this spring or summer. Just me for a few days. While I'm there I'd like to meet up with Heidi in Denmark.

I'll be trying to save money...

I do have to get to bed because I have to have the kids at CCD tomorrow by 8AM, then mass where K sings in the choir....then drop them off and speeding to New Bedford for work.

I did FINALLY get a christmas tree a few days ago. It's still not decorated....but at least it's standing in the living room.

And yes, Lindyloo.....I still have your package! I'm sooooo BAD!
I am determined to get it to the post office this week. Promise.

The good news is that there is time for any last requests from Wal or Lindyloo....


01 November, 2007

While I'm putting some photos up....

I thought I'd post a few that I failed to post...but said I would when I found my cable...

Here was Mariel after wishing her a safe and unforgetable journey through Europe.
(I told you I'd eventually post this photo!!)

Next is a photo of a photo...mom and dad in front of the muriel in Ribeira Quente this summer that they helped to build...financially...can you imagine mom slapping on tiles and grout??? ;-)

Next is the day they arrived back in the US. Check out T's silver chain! and Little J's Team Portugal shirt!

That is all for now!

Halloween pics

Here are a few pictures from last night...

Don't let the innocent look fool you....

...now this is more like it

Here I am with the not-so-little-ones anymore

Here is vavo with the kids

I even snapped one with Uncle Matt

This photo I added just because I thought it was funny to see Vavo tying a bandana around T's head....not exactly how he would wear it...but funny!

31 October, 2007



Yahoo! I have today and tomorrow off.

Today will be hectic....visiting everyone.

Tomorrow will be more relaxed...as I eat all the kids candy.....kidding.

Well, I'm still at the RX and I start the other full time job next Monday. The next 7 weeks will be crazy because the traing schedule sucks! But it has to be done. I don't think the boss is happy that I will be unavailable for the next month and a half....but I have to do what I have to do.
I will still be working on Sat and Sun, unless he decides to fire me!

I'm still waiting to get an ear-full from him. I haven't worked with him in about a week and a half. Oh well. We will see what happens.

Today, I'm supposed to be catching up on things that I haven't been able to do since I started working....but have done none. Unless catching up on morning talk shows, blogging and wearing pj's until 10 AM counts!

Ah well, I need to pick up a few more things to add to the package that I'm finally sending the Squidge household. I already wrapped a Christmas gift and threw it in there. (don't worry, I'm aiming for a fedex drop off tomorrow)
I'm sure I'll torture Lindyloo a little. She never could resist a wrapped package!

29 October, 2007

daylight savings??!!!?!?


Okay, I'm working all morning and get a call from the kids dentist office wondering where I am. I reply, "the appt isn't for another 45 minutes...is there a problem?"

Apparently....yes. I was already 15 minutes late because my stupid PC decided to auto-adjust to daylight savings time....before it's supposed to.

Anyone else have this issue?? NO?
Well, I didn't think so.

I guess I'm the only dim wit here.

I suppose it would be funny (and I'm sure I'll laugh about it later) except that I ran around all afternoon picking up the kids and bringing them here and there...all late of course - because the boys' dentist and K's doctor decided to let me bring them in anyway!!

Now I would "like" to jump in bed because I'm exhausted! It is now 5:30PM.
I can't.

22 October, 2007

Busy Busy Busy

Here's a recap of the past week...

Work. Work. Work.
Kids. Kids. Kids.

Girlscouts. Choir. Birthday party. Spanish lessons. Cub scouts.
Halloween party (kids). Dentist. Training class in Prov, RI. (DULL)

Sound chock full of F-U-N???

Well, on a different note. I'm beginning to get a hang of the system at work. I sometimes chuckle at the thought (and anyone who knows me, may join me) of being entrusted to fill prescriptions. Holy Crap!
But honestly, I still double check everything....until I gain more confidence in myself. I have been working a lot, but did tell my boss last night that I will be working days soon. It was too busy to elaborate on that....I'll have to bring it up again....

You heard it right. I will be taking that second job offer. I will be working both jobs. I know it's crazy...but it pays better. I'd like to stay at the RX (my future) but right now it just doesn't pay enough. The other one does, and has great benefits. I just dont know how I'm going to manage both for the 5 weeks of training. I'll only be able to work on Sat and Sun and I don't know if that is going to fly with the BossMan. Especially since I'm such a rug. I probably will agree to something humanly impossible...I guess that will be another post.

I do have to get a package togather for Lindyloo Maybe I'll work on that today. (honestly, probably not)

...just a quick HELLO to Mariel, Heidi and Sonia.

I've been a terrible friend. Haven't kept up as well as I'd like. Sorry.

Also, to Diane. I completely spaced out. I never called back. I have been at work so much. I did try to remember to call for a couple of days....but then I forgot completely until my mom mentioned you dropped off a package. K opened it last night and of course LOVES it all. She loves clothes. Just in time for the Red Sox to kick ass!


Everyone....Love me or Hate me, I'm trying.

13 October, 2007

I wish people would post a comment instead of noseing around...


....Okay, I feel a little better....

Is anyone else out there married to someone that is totally uncompatible with you??

Nice guy...good person....just pisses me off!

I piss him off, likewise.

We tried to have another go at this for both our benefit and for the kids, but I don't know....

No one will say we didn't try to make things work.

Well, I'm off for now. Maybe I will post a picture soon....
Little J has open house for vocational school next week!!!
I can't believe that he will be in high school next year!


Everything at work has been going well, except toward the end of my shift when I became utterly bewildered with the computer system....I'll try to master it tomorrow. (my fingers are crossed) There is an awful lot to learn.

10 October, 2007

Rainy Days and Parents

It rained last night and its a bit gloomy today....but none of that matters because I have today off. Yeay!

However, I have an appt at the eye doctor for T and have to visit the school to see how many credits can be salvaged....hopefully most of them.

I have been working a lot and haven't had much time for anything...
I'm hoping to catch up on everything (chores, dr.s, dentists, etc...) this month, because I start my full-time job, the first week of November. Whoa am I nervous about it. I'm still unsure how I am going to juggle everything, but if anyone can jam her agenda chock-full-of-stuff, I can. Hopefully, I can keep my sanity throughout.

Along those lines, I did sign up K for girl scouts. She loves it.
I tried to get T in cub scouts, but they won't return my call! They really suck! I have emailed, left voice-mail and even spoke to somone in the office...still no call back from the decision-maker. T is VERY UPSET. He now says "Why don't they call you back?" and "those people are stupid"..... oh, how I agree.

What are you going to do?

They also want to play basketball, but I have to call first to find out when, where and how often they practice before I can commit to anything else....
...Can you sense my guilt...they weren't able to play soccer this fall because I wasn't able to handle it. I'm having a harder time with it then the kids. It is the first fall that I haven't spent my weekends at the soccer fields in SEVEN years!!!

Good news! Mom and dad are back from their rendevous to Ribeira_Quente. Here are two links with nice photos of S. Miguel that I found. Official and ">unofficial.
I will be stopping by tonight to see them!
I wish I would put some photos online...but, I have no patience.

I will be checking Mariels' voyage now, and hope she is having a blast! I have placed a link to her blog over in my favorite places to visit on the right....in case anyone hasn't peeked yet.

02 October, 2007


Okay, I gave my (2) weeks notice on Sunday.
Well....sort of.
I am in NO WAY going to stay, under ANY circumstances....sooooooo
when my team leader asked me to jot down the hours that would work for me, to keep me there....well, naturally I politely declined the generous offer.


I meekly said "Oh,...Okay"


The girls at work laughed at me....I admit I was laughing too...
what a doormat. I can be!!!

To make a long story short...I had to muster the nerve to confront her again yesterday. That time, I got it done!

Tonight when I go in, I have to submit a letter of resignation to the HR dept.
Stating my last day of work, blah blah blah

I am going to date it for Sunday, because I can't stay there an extra (3) days.

It feels soooo good to have this behind me. I do have to juggle both jobs and the kids for another stressful week and a half....but I can see the light at the end of the tunnel.

26 September, 2007

So much for a holiday.....

Well, i am starting my third day off from work....yet, I I've been busier than ever! I did get the other "part-time" job that I wanted. Thanks M****l.
I have been testing and going through the beginning of "training".
It's a LOT less pay than what I'm getting now, but I'm hoping it will be more rewarding in the long run. But Oh-so-less money! Now that I've gotten a taste of my own money...it's hard to do without.
I am still hoping to get a part-time day job and will be applying for night school soon. I'm planning on starting this January..so I better get on that, quickly!

I have decided, Heidi, that my first trip will be to see you in Denmark....if the invitation is still open. My very next holiday! I'm not sure when that is at the moment. I will keep in touch. I've got to start saving up now.

Oh, and I suppose I will have to put in my resignation/2 weeks on Sunday. That is going to be tough, unless I keep in mind how much I hate the place!

Who said money don't buy happiness?
I'd like to meet 'em and slap 'em.

It does buy peace of mind...which leads to happiness

On a bright note, today is supposed to reach 90 degrees, and I was planning to go to the beach and read a book am siiting in the back yard to read a book. Good enough for me!

17 September, 2007

Birthdays and Passports!

Good News!!
My passport finally arrived. I have (5) days off next week and was thinking of going somewhere...Not an easy task to do when you have (3) kids....but I wanted to go somewhere. No matter how short the visit. I've never travelled in a plane. I've never strayed away from the eastern coastline. Sad, but true. I may see if Heidi is still in Iceland. Maybe I'll fly to Denmark for a couple of days. Who knows. I have these urges all the time. However, like the title states. 'REALITY' really bites! :o(
We'll see what the cost is and how I can arrange this. If not, I'll have to wait for the next school break. That's not so bad. Not good....but not so bad.

On another nice note, K turned the big "9" years old yesterday.
I took the kids to the new YMCA in Wareham and we went swimming.

Had a cake and cupcakes. Uncle N was there. Nothing spectacular, but it was nice. I had to rush off to work last night. BOOOOO!

I think I'm going to give my (2) weeks notice on Friday. Going to sleep at 12:30 - 1AM every night and then being up for 6 or 6:30AM for the kids is killing me. I walk around all day like a zombie. I am drowsy behind the whele too. That's never a good thing. Anyway, I need to find a day job, regardless of the pay right now. Just to keep my sanity. Will keep posting.

14 September, 2007

All's well that ends well

...so the saying goes.
I'm still in limbo, as far as work goes. I've taking things one day at a time.
I did speak to mom and dad today!
I left a little note on my dads web site....obviously some gross mispellings in portuguese, but they got the point. Even if I did pronounce to the portuguese speaking world that I'm a bit illiterate.
*tisk* *tisk* Shame on me.

I can see that Lindyloo's little squidge is growing up fast and already too cute!
I want to squeeze her! Too bad my passport hasn't come in!

Right now, I'm living between (2) houses....so I have stuff here and there....otherwise I'd download some photos of the kids....not that there is a whole lot changed since last time I snapped a photo.

All the kids are away at school and I don't know what to do with myself!

I spend all day looking through the paper and internet for job openings....
Good Lord, seeing that in print... It's downright pathetic.

07 September, 2007

Job search Rollercoaster Update

Okay....on Tuesday, I got great news! A job offer, more $$$, better benefits......nights!!!??!?

What the %!@%?!

So now I've ben waiting to see what happens.....no more days are available....Why? well, because they called me on a friday evening to give me an offer, after I clearly stated that I work nights! So, of course, holiday weekend...didn't get in touch until Tuesday...after she apparently offered up all the day shifts.

I even offered to work the awful shift she offered until a day shift opens up....haven't heard back yet.

So, I was feelings grand at first....now I'm slipping into a depression.....if I don't hear from her today....I will surely crawl into bed and sulk!

I will call later this afternoon...to followup. I am so down!

I'm assuming that the shift she offered me is taken, by the lack of a response to my suggestion! Isn't this just my luck? I should right a book! A "how-not-to" book, that is.

I did have the other job offer....I told him that I would get back to him by the end of this week...when I figure out my schedule...Damn!
It seems like I'm going to lose out on both offers now!

Well, enough about me.

The kids got right back to the usual school routine without much of a hitch. Their schedule is going well, so far. Mine, on the other hand is killing me. Down by 12:30AM - up by 6AM.....not much time for my beauty sleep, now is it?

I was soooo looking forward to having a normal day shift...OOOPS, I'm back to talking about me again!

The kids...well, everything is going well. Nothing much to post about that.
I do have a comment to post about movie ratings though! That embarrasing episode is for another day!

Well, I do have today off....I will be signing T up for baseball (for next season)
And, maybe soccer for T and K....I'm not sure yet...because my work schedule is up in the air!

Unfortunately, I don't think I'll have my passport in time for my somewhat-planned-but-not-really trip at the end of the month! Bummer! Then again, I'm so down...I might leave and disappear somewhere! (joking, for all you serious ones - no I don't need an intervention!)

I'll keep ya'll posted on any changes to my mundane life-interesting or not.

03 September, 2007


Nice banner. Very creative. Unlike me.

Hey, I just got approved for 4 days off toward the end of September, and with my 2 regular days off....that makes 6 in-a-row!! see, I can count.

Maybe I'll take a trip....if my passport arrives and I can save some money.

02 September, 2007


Okay...I just scrolled down to see all my pictures....and whoa...what a scary picture of myself! What was I thinking?!?
Anyhoo, the second one is supposed to show the double piercing...that I got with some of my "birthday $$$" from my padrinho. Thank You. (Obrigado) ;-)
I have another one of myself with the new earrings I got for my birthday from my madrinha...Thank You! ;-) (I had to wait 4 weeks 3 weeks, to put the new ones in)
I'm too scared to post the picture though because I think I look scary in all the pictures.
Oh, and what's with the comment about my hair Lindyloo??
I thought I was already "walkin' on the wild side" with this one!

I did once braid hair that was several inches BELOW my knees....remember??

I'm still working through that issue...apparantly ;)

I got the job. I was waiting for a call to explain my hourly rate and work schedule.
I'll have to wait to call them on Tuesday. Apparantly, someone called me at 5:30P, on Friday! I was at work and couldn't get to my phone. Bummer! I'm hoping the pay is what I need, otherwise I may not take the offer. We'll see if they try to low-ball me. I'll definately keep you posted.

This is the real deal folks. 40 hr work week. No more SAHM status for me.
I'm happy. Sad. You know the deal. It was bound to happen eventually.

01 September, 2007

If you don't like Pictures....STOP NOW

Picnic, New Do & Another Piercing

Saying Goodbye

My Favorite

Amuzement Park

Saquish/Gurnet, Plymouth, MA

Whale watch

Pirate Ship

The Mayfower II

Whale Watch in Plymouth



More old pics

Here are some of the kids being kids...near the end of the school year, of course!

My Cowboy

More pictures

Here are some older pictures...


Okay, I'm so used to hearing that now when backing up. Here are some pictures going back several months. Soooo cute.