22 October, 2007

Busy Busy Busy

Here's a recap of the past week...

Work. Work. Work.
Kids. Kids. Kids.

Girlscouts. Choir. Birthday party. Spanish lessons. Cub scouts.
Halloween party (kids). Dentist. Training class in Prov, RI. (DULL)

Sound chock full of F-U-N???

Well, on a different note. I'm beginning to get a hang of the system at work. I sometimes chuckle at the thought (and anyone who knows me, may join me) of being entrusted to fill prescriptions. Holy Crap!
But honestly, I still double check everything....until I gain more confidence in myself. I have been working a lot, but did tell my boss last night that I will be working days soon. It was too busy to elaborate on that....I'll have to bring it up again....

You heard it right. I will be taking that second job offer. I will be working both jobs. I know it's crazy...but it pays better. I'd like to stay at the RX (my future) but right now it just doesn't pay enough. The other one does, and has great benefits. I just dont know how I'm going to manage both for the 5 weeks of training. I'll only be able to work on Sat and Sun and I don't know if that is going to fly with the BossMan. Especially since I'm such a rug. I probably will agree to something humanly impossible...I guess that will be another post.

I do have to get a package togather for Lindyloo Maybe I'll work on that today. (honestly, probably not)

...just a quick HELLO to Mariel, Heidi and Sonia.

I've been a terrible friend. Haven't kept up as well as I'd like. Sorry.

Also, to Diane. I completely spaced out. I never called back. I have been at work so much. I did try to remember to call for a couple of days....but then I forgot completely until my mom mentioned you dropped off a package. K opened it last night and of course LOVES it all. She loves clothes. Just in time for the Red Sox to kick ass!


Everyone....Love me or Hate me, I'm trying.

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