13 October, 2007


....Okay, I feel a little better....

Is anyone else out there married to someone that is totally uncompatible with you??

Nice guy...good person....just pisses me off!

I piss him off, likewise.

We tried to have another go at this for both our benefit and for the kids, but I don't know....

No one will say we didn't try to make things work.

Well, I'm off for now. Maybe I will post a picture soon....
Little J has open house for vocational school next week!!!
I can't believe that he will be in high school next year!


Everything at work has been going well, except toward the end of my shift when I became utterly bewildered with the computer system....I'll try to master it tomorrow. (my fingers are crossed) There is an awful lot to learn.


Lindy said...

hey, I leave comments!! Sucks that things aren't working out. Let me now if you need anything.

Anonymous said...

Sherry the only thing that I have learned in my short one year of marriage is that this marriage thing is like peaks and valleys... Somedays it's wonderful and other days... well you just want to get rid of them all together. I'm here if you ever want to vent using your voice instead of the computer.... Hope all is going well with the job.
