04 June, 2008

Issues & a terrible person

Yeah, I've got some.

I'm waiting for results of blood drawn on Friday.
I also had a biopsy done above my eye. (I'm falling apart)

The pictures will be uploaded shortly, be patient Lindyloo.

Somehow, I have misplaced my usb cable again! WTF!
(yet another issue)

Oh, and who is this terrible person???

It's ME

....not only did I forget my mom's birthday this year.....That's bad. I also forgot my sisters birthday. That's not like me - I'm usually on top of those things.

Don't get me wrong - and if you know me at all - you won't!

I may be late getting you a card or gift - a call may take me a week to make - but it's not for failure to remember the occasion on that most special day.
I'm not very organized, that's all.

Who will be my next victim?
Let's see.....Alex, John, Maryann? Mariel?

I know August is busy


Lindy said...

don't be silly-I don't really care about my birthday!

ossy said...

yeah, well, You've got some guilt-induced cards coming your way. Keep a sharp eye.