29 October, 2007

daylight savings??!!!?!?


Okay, I'm working all morning and get a call from the kids dentist office wondering where I am. I reply, "the appt isn't for another 45 minutes...is there a problem?"

Apparently....yes. I was already 15 minutes late because my stupid PC decided to auto-adjust to daylight savings time....before it's supposed to.

Anyone else have this issue?? NO?
Well, I didn't think so.

I guess I'm the only dim wit here.

I suppose it would be funny (and I'm sure I'll laugh about it later) except that I ran around all afternoon picking up the kids and bringing them here and there...all late of course - because the boys' dentist and K's doctor decided to let me bring them in anyway!!

Now I would "like" to jump in bed because I'm exhausted! It is now 5:30PM.
I can't.

1 comment:

Lindy said...

that is funny. You going to have to let me know where, when and how often your working. Are you still at the pharmacy? At the bank? How are your eyes?