14 June, 2007


On Tuesday, I chaperoned a middle school field trip in Plymouth. It was a whale watch. My first time so I was fascinated. There were sooo many whales, more than they typicallly see, according to the tour guide. It was pretty cool. I have a bunch of pictures. Hopefully I can post some soon. I did however freeze my ass off. I honestly couldn't feel it. Really, it was that cold. J LOVED it! He thought it was really cool to see them feeding and flapping their tails.

On another note, I began taking calls on my own on Tuesday. (With help from advisors walking around.) Let me just say, I am clueless! Six weeks of training?? What? Where? I feel like I've never been trained on any of it. Not much information from those 6 weeks have actually been absorbed by my rock of a brain.

Speaking of rocks....marriage life is still rocky.

I also just signed up for medical insurance....first time we'll have any in years. Yay! However, it costs about half my paycheck. No exageration! (that doesn't look to be spelled right, but I'm too lazy to edit), so moving on.....

Softball and T-ball are both over now. No more bothering my mommy. And believe me when I say "bothering". As she is keen to remind me of. Personally I would tell her where to go, but its for the kids sake that I ask for help. Always for the kids. Now she says she won't be doing any more of it....so I better not sign them up for anything else next year because as she pointed out..."It was your choice to move so far away from me" Wonderful. I won't be signing them up for anything; which is going to devastate them when they hear, but unless I can get a change in hours, or their dad steps up and makes that a priority (fat chance), it won't be happening. I'm just taking things one day at a time. We'll see how it all goes. Can't wait for the trip to water country and squidge's arrival next week. The house is a buzz about the upcoming arrivals. I still can't believe it's almost been one year! Where has the time gone?

1 comment:

Lindy said...

I'll talk to you when I see you