03 May, 2007

Inconsiderate Moms

I had the misfortune to witness several inconsiderate moms at K's school musical. First of all, let me say that I don't mind the moms who let the little ones run up and down the isles, who let kids talk way too load to eachother, or allow infants to cry at the top of their lungs for minutes on end...while hushing them ever so calmly. Nor do I mind the stinky diaper. Shit happens. Kids will be kids.

However, I will say this,
Saving EIGHT of the very best seats in the autitorium, when only 5 of you show up...it's just NOT cool. Move your pathetic asses and jackets over so three other parents can enjoy the show! That's a bitch! Next, if a couple of seats ARE reserved with that old trusty jacket....please move on. DO NOT throw the jacket beside the woman in front of you and steal those seats. Thats a bitch! (Especially when I look guilty that woman now looks like the one who moved the jacket and stole the reserved seats!) The next offender isn't inconsiderate, (unless standing in front of a mom at a softball field on Monday...AGAIN, while that mom is trying to watch the game...AGAIN is inconsiderate), just bothers the crap out of me in general. I mean, a bouquet of ROSES for a third grade musical performance! My Gooooshh! Get over it!


A said...

I agree some parents are way over the top. Saving more than 5 seats in the front row? Idiotic!!!!

moodswingingmommy said...

Ugh! As a former elementary school teacher, I'm never shocked at the behavior I see from parents!

Thanks for stopping by!