UH OH!!!...not yet
For 2 nights in a row, we have found T asleep in his bed with an clothing store catalog open to the womens section, bathing suits, etc... He is still SIX years old!
I'm not ready for this, I didn't even know how to react....
The most insane part of the whole thing.....he said he was trying to learn to read!!!!!
I'm truly at a loss.
For 2 nights in a row, we have found T asleep in his bed with an clothing store catalog open to the womens section, bathing suits, etc... He is still SIX years old!
I'm not ready for this, I didn't even know how to react....
The most insane part of the whole thing.....he said he was trying to learn to read!!!!!
I'm truly at a loss.

well he might be trying to read.
Possibly.......however, you know how many books we have in the house that have actual words and stories! Any suggestions? Should I do like our parents and ignore it?
I would ignore it. If you make a big deal out it then he's going to think he's doing something wrong or crave the attention. Either way it'll suck. If you ignore it then it will go away. This is probably just a phase he's going through.
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