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sorry about that Lindyloo...
I was a little depressed this past week, about to get too involved there.
I'll keep you posted on anything new.
31 March, 2007
30 March, 2007
...to my cousin & fiance.....Getting Married in Las Vegas today!
They are flying down this morning. I didn't call to say "hope you have a safe trip" & "hope you guys have fun!" So I'm saying it here.....not that anyone reads this. It does make me feel better. I'm sure my uncle and godmother will have a blast there, as they usually do. I do hear princess Diana & little A are also going to be witness to this event.
Posted by
9:40 AM
29 March, 2007
I had a preliminary interview for a job with a bank today. Everything was going ok until I was told 'Saturday'....What could I possibly do with the kids!! Piano, Soccer, softball, T-ball...
I don't know what to do. I wish I had family close by, but alas! You (LINDYLOO) have it much worse (or better, depending on your viewpoint), so I won't complain.
I am applying at another bank, to see if I can get better hours. I need business references though, no family. Where am I to get those??
Posted by
2:26 PM
28 March, 2007
For 2 nights in a row, we have found T asleep in his bed with an clothing store catalog open to the womens section, bathing suits, etc... He is still SIX years old!
I'm not ready for this, I didn't even know how to react....
The most insane part of the whole thing.....he said he was trying to learn to read!!!!!
I'm truly at a loss.

Posted by
12:05 PM
27 March, 2007
Birthday Party & Work
Well, the party was nice. The only time I had them all together was for lunch. Then, they were off! They were all great kids, less the burping contests they enjoyed so much....I didn't care for those. I never witnessed the birthday cake or singing because a certain little man had to go to the bathroom just before the big finale!! By the time I finished with him, all was over. I was a bit sad to not have been there, not even a picture. Oh, well.....
Sometimes when I think I'm over the trouble and hassle of having tiny tots running around, I'm reminded that indeed, I still have a six year old.
J was surprised to receive a card and $$$ from our cousin Maryann. So sweet, she always remembers. Hopefully he will be giving her a "thank you" call very soon.
Work. Work. Work.
I am trying for an interview with a local company. I sent an email yesterday, and I plan on stopping by to follow up today or tomorrow. I will probably need to go back to school for a degree...how stupid! Most companies don't care where you went or what you received a degree in....so long as you got one. Do they think these kids are somehow smarter?? I'm sure the ones who graduate and then work in their field are, but if someone goes to school for 2 or 4 years and then applies for a CS position....thats all I'm going to say on that subject.
However, reality stings sometimes.
I'm so used to being at home, even though I've been working in the business these last couple of years....its not the same. Its a big transition.
On one hand I have someone yellling in my ear to get a job and start earning some money and in the same breath stating that I'll never make much. How sweet. Jerk!
Posted by
8:52 AM
23 March, 2007
An Old Friend
I just got an email from an old friend. I will have to tell her about this new blog...maybe she can finally see some pictures of my kids. (When I upload them) She is still at school and currently designing a building in Berlin! Very impressive!! I can't wait to visit her...I am determined to fly to Iceland and Sweden to see the whole family soon!
Okay, Okay, back to reality.
Posted by
10:04 AM
I have an appointment today to take the postal exam at 9 AM. It's 8:45.
How could I have forgotten??!!!
Employment is my ticket to independence after all these years....you would think, that motivation alone would get my mind moving.
In my defense, of course, I will have to reverse over a decade of Disney, Arthur, baby talk and isolation from most of society. Am I destined to always be an "airhead", as my aunt Matilda once described me??
Irreversible damage? I hope not.
Posted by
8:52 AM
22 March, 2007
Not the most recent photo...
(This is the last time I downloaded pics from my camera)
Posted by
10:35 AM
Labels: Another year older
11 March, 2007
Nothing interesting enough here to post. For now, I'm here to keep in touch with my sister in the UK.
Posted by
12:22 PM