15 November, 2008

new do

Here is my new do and some pictures I took of myself.

03 November, 2008

Whale watching

Last days in Acores

Tons of pictures of the trip

Handmade fishing boat named "Gina" made by primo Adelino

below is a beautiful view of Ribeira Quent in the distance

Below is a group photo

Taken by Tommy...

Silly pic of prima Gina and Tommy (oh, and bunny wunny)

Monkey see - monkey do

Prima Genevieve carrying milk

Last day in Ribeira Quente - morning swim at the beach w/ friends...one last time

Saying good bye

Final look back @ the beach

picture in Angie Honey's home

video on the first day in Ribeira Quente - walking home from the beach

More pictures for mom

These pictures are from 8-9-2008

Tommy with his best friend (bunny wunny)

Boring video of their first day at the beach