Okay, I FINALLY got a manicure....yeah!
However, When I got back to my car....nails not thoroughly dry....
What do you think I saw?
I'll tell you. It was a nice scratch in my drivers side door, that's what!
Soooooo, what did I do?
Again, I'll tell you. I took out my agenda, tore off a note page, and you guessed it...I left someone that drives an black Nissan maxima a few choice words.
Actually just one
"A**HOLE....along with a little note.
Really, people, don't let your kids jump out of the car if they can't keep control of the door...
Or worse yet, if it's you that is an A-hole then get a freakin clue.....
I feel better now.
Anyway, Next Tuesday I have a hair appt. I'm thinking of chopping alot off. I know I always say that but chicken out in the end. I've got to cut it somewhat short though because I have a ton of split ends!
My feet need a pedicure.....and I still have a gift certificate. SO maybe next week. I'll keep my fingers crossed.
Nothing more to say that everyone in New Beige and surrounding towns doesn't already know. I'm still looking for a better job. My police exam score will be mailed out in the beginning of September. I'm so nervous. I have a bad feeling about the whole thing. I am definately NOT going to post my score if it embarrasing. So if you don't see me post about it, than continue assuming that I'm an airhead.
Otherwise everyone can back off!
I miss Squidge, funny since I hardly had a chance to see her.
Oh, and guess what Lindyloo? Not a stitch of overtime to be had ALL week or next week! Go figure. I did apply and pay for a passport yesterday. The P Consulat was giving me a hard time too. He said that it would cost me about $115.00 AND also stated that I wouldn't be able to get one because, get this...."Nao es portuguesa"
Dumb ass! What the hell am I then? Can I be american indian or hispanic and get a little help with my state exam score? I swear, people do aggrevate me with the nonsense that comes out of there mouths....and I've heard plenty of nonsense lately.
Okay...here I go again...
I think I'm going to take a trip to Montreal or Toronto before the kids go back to school. We'll see how much money I can save.