31 August, 2007

Interview went well...

I have to meet with someone else tomorrow morning. I'm very nervous and excited to be getting the chance to work days. It will be really good for me...since the kids are starting school. I also got a call back from the manager at another place I've been trying to get in at. Yay!! I need to get back to him with what hours and days I'll be available....but I won't know that until I get some news tomorrow. I'm really betting alot on this job. I will be devastated if I don't get it.

I will surely post tomorrow with more news. For anyone that cares.

I am also in the process of downloading all those pictures. I never found the cable, but I do have an extra camera with its own cable...so I took my memory card and put it in that one...I have over 500 pictures and quite a few videos, so it will be downloading for quite some time.

I will try to post pics tomorrow if I have time. Wish me luck.

28 August, 2007

Interview on Thursday!


I have an interwiew on Thursay morning in Plymouth. It will be a drive for me, considering where I'm living right now....but hopefully I'll get a little more money. At the least, I'll have mornings. I have to work Thursdays and Saturdays...so the kids are devastated that they can't play any sports. I just can't be there on Sat mornings. K won't be able to get to xhoir practice either because its on Thursdays. That sucks, but I'm getting ahead of myself. I don't even have the job. I may not be able to take the job unless they offer me at least $1/hr more. That's my standard, that I'm setting. If I don't get the offer I'm looking for then I'll have to pass....I guess. I'm so confused right now.

I did finally pay off all my bills this week. So from here on, I can start to save $$$. Let's hope.

On another note, I have picked up where Lindyloo left off. Apparently, my genius isn't so convincing because dad made me call England to see if she could fix the PC! Whatever! Too many hours spent fixing a PC that shouldn't be giving problems, is very aggravating. So, it's off to the PC Guy tomorrow, since waiting until my day off on Thursday is waaaaay too long for him to wait!

Well, little J says "HI" Lindyloo!!

26 August, 2007

Congratulations E and J

on your brand spanking new baby boy.....who by the way, I forgot to ask his name! Duh!!! I have pictures...can't post until I find my cable to connect my camera to the PC. Darn it! Don't know where else to look. Don't ya hate when you've looked everywhere for something and it still doesn't turn up? I'll resume the search tomorrow. I do have to break this nocturnal sleep cycle I've found myself in...School starts soon. OY! I will posta pic of the most cutest, tiniest little thing! I forgot how small they are when they first arrive....it's been too long for me. The kids are VERY anxious to see him. K was upset and T was devasted that he wasn't allowed in!

Hey Maryann!

...This is for you. Since I'm a terrible person...and terribly hopeless when it comes to my cell phone. Which is not-so-new anymore, so I can't keep using that as an excuse. However, in my defense, I've always had Motorola phones. They are simple, easy-to-use. On the other hand, My not-so-new Sony cell phone is straight from hell. You've got to be a tech major to master it. I can't figure out how to "quickly" get my ringer on vibrate while I'm at work...so in order to keep from shutting it down while there....I keep in in vibrate ALL THE TIME. In short, I never hear the damn thing. Hence, miss everyones calls.
Maybe you want to do something this week during the day? Are you working already? Hope not for a few more days. Also, I never thanked you properly for taking the kids out to the movies. I'm sooo BAAAAD! (Thank you Monica! I can't forget you too)

20 August, 2007


Okay, I've got a wireless router setup in my little box of a living space. Yahoo! I can finally go online again. I have so many pics to show off and so much to say.

I have overtime again. Mornings too. I'm working a split shift 3 days this week. I'm also going to see if I can get a pharmacy tech job at the pharmacy nearby, in about 30 minutes....wish me luck. I don't even think they're hiring....but that never stopped me before. : ) I'm hoping for the day shift. So I can make some moolah while the kids are at school. Speaking of work. I have to be back on the phones for 4pm. yay! (sarcastic)

Hopefully I can get some pics of the kids new haircut tonight.

I can just sense you're all holding your breath with anticipation of such exciting news! Keep posted.

09 August, 2007

Takin' care of myself

Okay, I FINALLY got a manicure....yeah!

However, When I got back to my car....nails not thoroughly dry....
What do you think I saw?
I'll tell you. It was a nice scratch in my drivers side door, that's what!

Soooooo, what did I do?
Again, I'll tell you. I took out my agenda, tore off a note page, and you guessed it...I left someone that drives an black Nissan maxima a few choice words.
Actually just one

"A**HOLE....along with a little note.

Really, people, don't let your kids jump out of the car if they can't keep control of the door...
Or worse yet, if it's you that is an A-hole then get a freakin clue.....

I feel better now.

Anyway, Next Tuesday I have a hair appt. I'm thinking of chopping alot off. I know I always say that but chicken out in the end. I've got to cut it somewhat short though because I have a ton of split ends!

My feet need a pedicure.....and I still have a gift certificate. SO maybe next week. I'll keep my fingers crossed.

Nothing more to say that everyone in New Beige and surrounding towns doesn't already know. I'm still looking for a better job. My police exam score will be mailed out in the beginning of September. I'm so nervous. I have a bad feeling about the whole thing. I am definately NOT going to post my score if it embarrasing. So if you don't see me post about it, than continue assuming that I'm an airhead.
Otherwise everyone can back off!

I miss Squidge, funny since I hardly had a chance to see her.
Oh, and guess what Lindyloo? Not a stitch of overtime to be had ALL week or next week! Go figure. I did apply and pay for a passport yesterday. The P Consulat was giving me a hard time too. He said that it would cost me about $115.00 AND also stated that I wouldn't be able to get one because, get this...."Nao es portuguesa"
Dumb ass! What the hell am I then? Can I be american indian or hispanic and get a little help with my state exam score? I swear, people do aggrevate me with the nonsense that comes out of there mouths....and I've heard plenty of nonsense lately.

Okay...here I go again...
I think I'm going to take a trip to Montreal or Toronto before the kids go back to school. We'll see how much money I can save.

02 August, 2007

Happy Birthday to me...

Happy Birthday to me,
Happy Birthday to me-ee
Happy Birthday to me.

It's just after midnight....I'm as old as the hills.
Or at least it feels like it.

I decided to start walking around the park in the mornings since i'm temporarily staying at my parents house...long story, for anyone who doesn't already know!
As I was heading back home, I started getting that burning red rash, I used to get whenever I worked out.
I don't know what it is but it's awful. So painful of an irratation! I've been online trying to figure it out once and for all. It may be a rash brought on by sweating!!??!?
I have NO clue. That's the closest thing I've been able to find.

I'm determined to lose my behiga...Is that how you say it....DAD! :(

Anyway, Lots of stuff happening. Not ready to really discuss it openly, so I will try to enjoy the couple days I have off...catch up on dentists and doctors with the kids before schgool starts.