19 July, 2007

2 More Days Till Payday!

Just the thought of it helps keep me going for another day.
I have worked a shit load of hours (for me) and I have some major bills to pay so I am excited to pay them off.....or at least make a dent.
I still owe M****l and Lindyloo....I haven't forgotten.
Don't you just hate people that owe you money and never pay??!
I do, and I don't want to be her!

Anyway, I have a nice, I hope, day trip on Saturday to "NEW YORK" with my mom, Lindyloo, my godmother and uncle, M****l, along with my daughter and little squidge.
I hope its fun.
I do need a pair of sunglasses. Well, "need" is quite debateable.
I have a pair, I just hate them.

Everything on the homefront is just as always. Now that we have agreed on several major points, we actually get along better than before. Who da thunk it?

The job? Well, lets just say it's work.
We had a meeting yesterday on career development.
The new program is in 6 month increments.
I had a hard time paying attention because for the life of me, I couldn't wrap my brain around the possibility that I would still be there in 6 months.

Gosh! WOuldn't that be a let down.
I mean, it's a job that is certainly not for everyone. I know I can do it. With a little more confidence in the systems and in myself, I think I could be great at it. You have to be a tolerant personality. I am. You have to be able to listen. I can. You have to be able to take some bullshit from the too-common irate customer. I can...and have.
I just don't see myself doing this particular job. Indefinately. Will I try to move on to other departments, if possible?
Let me hear a 'Hell Yeah'!



I'll be in touch. Love you guys!

11 July, 2007

Working Girl

I can't believe how much I'm working now!

What a change in lifestyle......

I'm keeping my own checking account, Yikes!
Trying to balance that is hard!

I was going to go to the grocery store....but I don't have enough money in my account. How pathetic! I'll have to wait to get some from J first.

Anyway, I'm rambling. Nothing of importance to say.

Still haven't had a chance to see much of little squidge.

Maybe I'll babysit for a bit on Thursday??

We will see. Hopefully I have something of interest to post next time.

06 July, 2007


I just got my first paycheck WITH my medical insurance withheld.
I can't believe how little I'm getting after (2) weeks of work!
It really makes me want to crawl in a hole....especially since I could have used the medical a week earlier and didn't have any.


I am very down and very grumpy...excuse this dreary entry today.
I have to get ready for work.


03 July, 2007

Where the hell did June go?

Well, I'm feeling MUCH better. I still have another 18 days of antibiotics....but at least the pain is gone. No complaints here. Until my ER bill arrives! Stay tuned if you like foul language.

I am almost back to my normal schedule. Lindyloo is still here with little squidge yet it seems like I have barely seen them.

I have a more pressing issue that I'm trying to work through at the moment.
The kids won't stop fighting and bickering. It's driving me crazy! They've always argued but this non-stop war among the three of them is literally driving me over the edge. I actually screamed at the top of my lungs just about an hour ago.
I didn't scream anything at all....just a loud shout. It did scare the hell out of them and kept them cowering in the other room in silence for a total of 4 minutes.
They've been back at it. I'm really at my wits end.

I've tried seperating them. Putting them in their own rooms. I took away the TV and video games. (Its way too nice out for that anyway). I've given them chores to keep them busy. Nothing works so long as they cross paths in some way.

Any ideas would be great. I'm ready to ship them back to my mom for a few days to save my sanity. However, I suspect that is what causes there lapse in obedience. They have much more free reign over there....they forget themselves when they come home. I don't tolerate the same shit here!