22 May, 2007

The bigger I get, The badder I will be

...After a little discussion regarding T's behavior and reminding him that he has to be good because he will be in the "big kid" school in September...

The bigger I get, The badder I will be

That is what 6 year old T said to me a few minutes ago before stepping on the bus. What!!?? I asked. He proceeded to explain to me that big kids are bad, and that he will also get more bad when he turns 7. Wonderful. He's made a concsious decision. What did I expect from a child who's excuse for doing bad things, like drawing (with pen) all over the leather arm rest in the back seat of the car, using a sharpie to draw pictures on the bricks on the fireplace, and regularly taking that same sharpie to draw alien symbols pictures all over his stomach and legs is to say
"my brain told me to do it"

21 May, 2007

Where has May gone?

I can't believe June is right around the corner. It's amazing to me how time flies! I've already completed (2) weeks of torture training. I am anxious to get on with my regular schedule...however, I have 4 more weeks of training!!
I wish I had pictures to post but I haven't so much as picked up my camera....so unlike me, I know. We've also completed our move out of the main office and are back at the home office. Yahoo! This will be much easier for me. It would be nice to sit in the sun. The weather looks wonderful from my office window. *sigh*

14 May, 2007

Lazy days and mosquito bites

Okay, let me start by saying:


Happy Mother's Day to everyone!!
...especially to Madrinha, Vavo Sara, titia Artemesia, and Princess Di....it appears I've been found out! Not to worry though, this is a clean blog...no talk of pusettas here! (For Now) ;o)

My wireless router has called it quits. Last time I logged on was Friday morning...I did manage to get a card out to Lindyloo before the rate hike. :)

After a hectic week, and a rather busy Saturday, I decided to take it easy on Sunday. After a beautiful Mother's Day mass, the final family mass for K in the childrens choir until September, We took the kids to the playground.
After arriving home and making lunch, I decided to spread out a blanket on the newly mowed lawn, and nap in the sun. Great idea, since I was still physically exhausted from the long days the previous week. However, it was a bit chilly when the wind blew, and somehow woke up with T and K laying next to me. Sweet, yes, but I couldn't savor the moment because I was scratching uncontrolably due to a GAZILLION mosquito bites! How? I sprayed the kids, myself, even the dog! How and why do they persist and continue to get me?!!?!

It doesn't help that I will be getting little sleep, as usual after attacks like these, because I'm always paranoid of EEE and the West Nile....which seems to be prevalent here.

Mom is back from Canada today, I believe. I will be visiting her before going to work...not with the kids, unfortunately.

Well, here goes another week!

11 May, 2007

work, work, work

I can't believe I've gone from NOT working for 12 years to working two jobs in such a short time. I've only been at it for one week. Already I'm feeling the strain. Have I been too pampered? Things are all changing for me at once. It's a bit overwhelming but change could be a good thing, so I'm told. Things on the home front aren't getting any smoother. We are both getting really close to calling it quits. He's sick of me. I'm sick of him. YadaYadaYada.
Anyway, some members of the family still laugh when they hear that I'm working so much. Why? What is so funny, I wonder? I'm more determined to kick ass at work, and NOT have a mental break down just to spite all the nay sayers.
I can do this. As long as I say that to myself. I can do this.
I hope.

09 May, 2007

So much to do....So little time

Well, a lot has happened since Sunday.
Let me start by saying I took my second exam in Boston on Monday and I choked. Yep, flunked. I'm embarrassed to state that but its the truth. It was sooo easy too. I just couldn't get over the pressure. Everytime the phone rang, my mind just went to mush. When I hung up the call....well, back came the brain function. Along with a few curses at myself. I knew exactly what I did wrong on every call. I even took notes to remind myself. But Alas, it was NOT meant to be.
Anyhoo, I did start training on Monday afternoon for the job I DID get. Silly, this job is 10X more demanding than the one I flunked at. Go figure. Its going to be very difficult to hold down both this job and my old one at the same time, still get the kids off to school in the morning and keep up with some chores. I'm really anxious to leave by about 8:30 PM, so 10 PM comes on very slowly. It's a LOT of information to absorb in the next 6 weeks. I hope I can handle it. As A matter of fact, getting to work on time will be my most difficult challenge. I can already predict trouble. I'm sooo bad in that respect. Well, what will be will be, so they say.
I am going to follow through with the polic exam that I signed up for and PAID for after a big fight with big J.
My mommy laughed when I told her the exam is in less than 2 weeks. What is so funny about me being a police officer??? Plenty of women do it.
I have three kids that I'm always mediating between. I already drive a grand marquis (which causes people to tense up and move the hell out of my way on the highway) - which is a good thing because I'm usually speeding from one thing or the other. Also, I grew up in NB....so I know the ways of the drug dealers, thieves, and thugs. Went to school with quite a few of them, matter of fact. So I think I stand just as good a chance as any other woman taking this exam. As long as I don't choke.

06 May, 2007

God Bless Gardners!

that's all I have to say. I cleared the perimeter of ONE tree yesterday in the front lawn to get ready for mulch and flowers....and if not for having the kids and chores to manage I'd be bed ridden this morning. I'm soooo sore. So pathetic. So very out of shape.

04 May, 2007

Lindyloo? Wallywoo?

Hey, I think you may have something wrong with your telephone. I tried calling a few times and you all are picking up but you can't hear me. I on the other hand can hear you clearly. Call me.


EDIT: Stupid me...I think, after another attempt, that you guys have a very weird message on your machine. That's why you can't hear me! Duh! I feel like a fool. You need to work on that message....or maybe I'm the only one that hasn't got a clue. (You know I'm easily confused!) :)

Sorry about the last post

It came on the heels of a stressful day. I just read it and it seems pretty harsh. I still think those women are b****'s .....I'm sorry,forgive me. You think maybe I'm a b****? Uh oh. Not sure if I should ask that.

03 May, 2007

Inconsiderate Moms

I had the misfortune to witness several inconsiderate moms at K's school musical. First of all, let me say that I don't mind the moms who let the little ones run up and down the isles, who let kids talk way too load to eachother, or allow infants to cry at the top of their lungs for minutes on end...while hushing them ever so calmly. Nor do I mind the stinky diaper. Shit happens. Kids will be kids.

However, I will say this,
Saving EIGHT of the very best seats in the autitorium, when only 5 of you show up...it's just NOT cool. Move your pathetic asses and jackets over so three other parents can enjoy the show! That's a bitch! Next, if a couple of seats ARE reserved with that old trusty jacket....please move on. DO NOT throw the jacket beside the woman in front of you and steal those seats. Thats a bitch! (Especially when I look guilty that woman now looks like the one who moved the jacket and stole the reserved seats!) The next offender isn't inconsiderate, (unless standing in front of a mom at a softball field on Monday...AGAIN, while that mom is trying to watch the game...AGAIN is inconsiderate), just bothers the crap out of me in general. I mean, a bouquet of ROSES for a third grade musical performance! My Gooooshh! Get over it!

02 May, 2007


This blog MUST remain a secret. Otherwise big J will know what I've been doing instead of working! ; )

In all seriousness, I just arrived at the office from my exam. It was in Marlborough. Five people in the exam room and we all passed. While waiting for the results, I was actually daydreaming of being told that my score was the highest they had EVER seen...and promptly escorted me to another floor where they begged me to come on board, great pay, and all the benefits included.... So I was a little disappointed to hear that we ALL made it.

Really, I'm just joking. I'm just relieved that I made it to the next round. Next it's off to Boston to complete the second half of the exam. Fun. Not really.

If you're confused let me know.

01 May, 2007

Good Old Days

In 1976 (the year you were born)

Gerald Ford is president of the US

The US celebrates its bicentennial, marking the 200th anniversary of its independence

The Viking II sets down on Mars' Utopia Plains

Promising, "I will never lie to you," Jimmy Carter is elected president of the United States

Israeli commandos rescue hostages from Entebbe, Uganda

The Concorde begins flights from New York to Europe

George W. Bush is arrested and fined for driving under the influence of alcohol

Cray-1, the first commercially developed supercomputer, is invented by Seymour Cray

Freddie Prinze Jr., Reese Witherspoon, Colin Farrell, 50 Cent, Fred Savage, and Shannon Elizabeth are born

Cincinnati Reds win the World Series

Pittsburgh Steelers win Superbowl X

Montreal Canadiens win the Stanley Cup

Rocky is the top grossing film

Filming begins on George Lucas' Star Wars

The Selfish Gene by Richard Dawkins is published

The Eagles Their Greatest Hits compilation becomes the first album in history to be certified platinum

"Tonight's The Night" by Rod Stewart spends the most time at the top of the US chart

Charlie's Angels and The Muppet Show premiere

Update For Anyone Interested:

First, to Heidi: Thanks for checking this out. You've got to send me pictures of your new apartment in Denmark. One more picture of you and Mads. I can't believe Groa is going to be a mom. May 20th is right around the corner...I'm actually excited for her. Your parents must be soooo happy! Have a safe trip back home. Now that I'm starting a job, I will be able to save for a trip to Iceland. Finally!
Love Ya!

Next, speaking of a job...for Lindyloo and Maryann. This is extremely impersonal but I shouldn't even be typing this, I've got sooo much to do this week.
I was offered a job at S. bank, and my 6 WEEK TRAINING! begins on the 7th. I will be working second shift. Which will be good this summer when the kids are off. However, the months of May and June are going to be a nightmare. I also have testing scheduled for a position with verizon tomorrow. 5-8 hours of testing. I'm exhausted just typing that. I'm not sure what the shift is, but the pay is much better, so big J will just have to make do without me if I get an offer for 1st shift. I'm trying to keep all my options open. I'm still nervous. It's a HUGE step for me. I'm more frightful of the commitment to a "job" more than anything else. (As you guys know me all too well) I'll be losing so much freedom in a sense. Although, I feel like I'm on the cusp of a new-found freedom. Whoa, I'm getting carried away here. Looking way too deep into this. ;)

Lindyloo: Please tell Wendy that I appreciate the offer. I was in the middle of all these other jobs. I'm also trying to choose a company I can grow with. Which is why I'm being a bit picky. Hopefully that doesn't sound snobby because if my kids were going hungry or without I would take a position cleaning floors at Mc D's.

To lighten my mood:

T asked me, while driving home one day: what would happen if trees grew so high they touched space?

My response: Maybe you could climb up to the moon.

T's response, after thoughtful consideration: I'd climb up to heaven and say hi to Jesus.
"And all the dead people" he added a moment later.

Ah! to be young and innocent again.