...to keep me outdoors and off the internet! Whoohoo!! I actually wore a t-shirt outside this weekend! I'm so excited. It gave me an added boost of energy. My back is paying for it now, but so much was accomplished this weekend. Here's a recap, in case ANYONE bothers to read this.
On Saturday, OPENING DAY for Softball. All Day.
A little softball and 4th place for K in the home run derby. Then it was burgers and hotdogs and a stick of cotton candy for me, ahem, I mean for K's sweet tooth.
Could she look less enthused?

Next, was some yard work.
We took down a tree to make room for the garage we are putting up. It was dying anyway, so I felt no pangs of sorrow for this one. I've got some video of it coming down. However, its not as dramatic as in person because I was taping from behind the controls of our skid steer tractor (with the cab closed)
HERE is our own lumberjack, overalls and all!

On Sunday, after the church service
We stopped at the annual herring run. I took some photos with my camera phone so they aren't very crisp. I hope you can image what an awesome spectacle it is! The kids LOVE it. I have to admit, no matter how many times I see them, they amaze me. Maybe it's because its only once a year. Perhaps because the conservation efforts don't seem to be working, and I know there might be a time they stop coming in such large numbers.

Here they are swimming up (against the current.

Can you see how full the water is with fish?

The fish are swimming on top of each other. Its pretty cool.

Last but not least,
We ate outside for the first time since last fall. I used the grill for the first time too. Its too bad its Monday already.