30 April, 2007

Officially Losing SAHM Status

I'm both excited and nervous about beginning work. I've learned to shy away from commitment and having such a huge obligation may be hard for me....as everyone who knows me will agree. Hubby has grown accustomed to calling me "free spirited" lately. Of course this bothers me because I know he doesn't use it in a completely complimentary way! Ah well, its inevitable! I am only working part time in the evenings, so I'll be here for the kids throughout the day this summer. I start next week.

23 April, 2007

Nothin' Like A Little Warm Sunshine...

...to keep me outdoors and off the internet! Whoohoo!! I actually wore a t-shirt outside this weekend! I'm so excited. It gave me an added boost of energy. My back is paying for it now, but so much was accomplished this weekend. Here's a recap, in case ANYONE bothers to read this.

On Saturday, OPENING DAY for Softball. All Day.
A little softball and 4th place for K in the home run derby. Then it was burgers and hotdogs and a stick of cotton candy for me, ahem, I mean for K's sweet tooth.

Could she look less enthused?

Next, was some yard work.
We took down a tree to make room for the garage we are putting up. It was dying anyway, so I felt no pangs of sorrow for this one. I've got some video of it coming down. However, its not as dramatic as in person because I was taping from behind the controls of our skid steer tractor (with the cab closed)

HERE is our own lumberjack, overalls and all!

On Sunday, after the church service
We stopped at the annual herring run. I took some photos with my camera phone so they aren't very crisp. I hope you can image what an awesome spectacle it is! The kids LOVE it. I have to admit, no matter how many times I see them, they amaze me. Maybe it's because its only once a year. Perhaps because the conservation efforts don't seem to be working, and I know there might be a time they stop coming in such large numbers.

Here they are swimming up (against the current.

Can you see how full the water is with fish?

The fish are swimming on top of each other. Its pretty cool.

Last but not least,
We ate outside for the first time since last fall. I used the grill for the first time too. Its too bad its Monday already.

18 April, 2007

9 years married

14 years together.
Its my 9 year Wedding Anniversary today. I actually forgot. Big J remembered! What a surprise! We'll be going out to eat tonight, with K, since she is home tonight. The boys are staying one more night with the parents.

Interview a success?

I had my very first interview today. Seems odd to say that, since I'm 30! I think it went well, however, I don't want to jinx myself. The pay is horrible. Its an entry level position, so I can't expect much. It is however a start. I do have to get hired first. I'll keep you posted.


I can't fall asleep. So here I am. I'm unsure about what to do with myself. I have an interview tomorrow. Its not very good pay. I still want to go. I need experience. Big J is now saying, if its not good pay, don't take it. On the other hand, he is telling me to start contributing. He now wants me to work from home, doing something. I'll never be able to make much, as he reminds me. I feel myself slipping into a slump. What to do. What to do. I don't know which direction to go. I just may delete this entry tomorrow if I come to my senses. I'm in a dreary mood tonight. I think I'll get to bed and try to sleep on it. The kids have been at the parents house the past few days during the spring holiday. Its been quiet without them. I actually don't like the silence. Go figure.

17 April, 2007

Okay, power was restored sometime in the early morning. I hadn't watched any news and was unaware of the tragedy unfolding at Virginia Tech. Wow, how the world can change in a short period of time. From a mothers point of view, I can't imagine losing a child. How sad. I can't even imagine the pain and suffering. I don't know what this country is about anymore. We seem to be self destructing.

16 April, 2007


Still without power. It's now 11:30 PM.


During my Sunday visit to see MOM
(A day AFTER her birthday)

ME and the kids: Happy Birthday!!
Mom: *Smiles* *Hugs* *Kisses* You know it was yesterday right?
Me: Of course!, just couldn't make it down to visit

A short while later...

Mom:Have you seen "Lindyloos site"?
Me: Oh, yes. I check it out every day.
Mom: Soooo THAT'S what reminded you of my birthday!!

How do you like moms new do?

We made it through another storm

These are pictures of two of the roads after leaving home. The third was closed off. (2 out of 3 roads blocked by trees) Disregard the date on the photos. I need to fix the date. It was definately a sight to see. I actually heard one fall last night. It was scary and very distracting. I had a difficult time falling asleep. Especially since the bedroom is near my wonderful (big) tree. I'd hate to see it go....not to mention it is so close to the house! I have a mess to clean up, since the water crept into the basement. I'm leaving work early today. I've got to get ready for our move back to the home office too. Yay for me! More work.
One more thing. I've been without power since about 3 AM. I'm afraid the generator is going to run out of gas.

14 April, 2007

Red Sox. YES. Yankees NO.

How do you explain to a six year old that the Yankees suck? T was asking me questions on the way home from baseball. I just told him the Red Sox are from Boston and they are the best, so we root for them. Then I changed the subject, like a good parent does when confronted with a question you don't want to answer. I figure he'll figure it out soon enough.

Opening Day, Baseball

I spent this morning at Opening ceremonies. My first time, and it was really nice. T was sooo exciting. He said it was his "first parade". It was nice seeing how excited he was. I will post a photo later. I still have to go back to the field for his game in a bit. The weather was actually tolerable. (If standing in the sun with your back to the wind) I am NOT going to complain...I hope the weather holds out for the duration of the game. Next week is opening day for softball, and by then I hope the warm weather will be here. I remember last year was freezing! Anyway, no more complaints about the weather from me. I have prepared myself for one more storm....and then spring will show itself. Optimism. It's my last resort.
This is T waiting to run home!

This is a shot of T just after throwing the ball...notice both feet off the ground.

It turns out the day got better as the sun grew stronger. It was another long day for me but its worth it to see how much T enjoyed himself.

13 April, 2007


of anyone who has enjoyed spring-like weather. Any nice days we may have experienced, I've somehow missed. We better have a beautiful end of spring/summer this year to make up for the very frozen winter we've had. Sorry about this entry, just need to vent a bit of frustration.

12 April, 2007

One more post...

...before I forget to share what I did last week. Lindyloo will recognize this pic. I sent her a similar one last month after our boiler blew up in the basement!

Well, guess what? It did it again. I am so very frustrated with that. I can't take another episode. The house is a mess! And everyone knows I hate to clean in general. If only the weather would warm up a bit. Its April 12th for goodness sake! It is SOOOO BLOODY COLD outside today! It was SOOO BLOODY COLD yesterday! I sat outside for a softball game and today I have a baseball game to sit through. Its begun to rain, so my fingers are crossed for a cancellation from coach. As soon as the weather gets better we can take out the old boiler and replace it.
At this point, I'm not even asking for warm weather, not even sunny weather, just an end to the nasty, bitter cold. Can you tell I'm sick of New England weather? I usually am about this time of year.

Easter Photos

of the kids showing off their Easter gifts from their auntie Lindyloo. (The gifts that vavo showed them the day she returned from the UK....and I had to put away...and fend off the kids for weeks)

If you look at the photo, you'll notice how pink K's cheeks are. Poor thing she was very out of spirits that weekend.

What A Mess!

Okay, I attempted to make corned beef and potatoes. I actually cooked the corned beef a day ahead because I wasn't going to have time to make supper...softball game all evening...I figured I would just heat it up with potatoes, and serve a nice meal with little time. Boy was I wrong! I am not an amateur cook, though I play one in real life. I took a page from lindyloos blog and took a photo of my catastrophe.

I put the dish in the oven WITH the plastic saran wrap still on!!! What was I thinking?!!? I have to honestly say that I didn't think anything wrong about it until I went to remove it. Where was the plastic wrap? It must have melted onto the beef? I don't know. I even ruined my pot holders because the plastic on the sides of the dish fused to them! The kids didn't want to eat it... I'm not sure if its even safe to eat. However, the potatoes were delicious! I cooked them in olive oil, garlic and piri piri. A bit spicy but tasty, if I dare say so myself.

11 April, 2007

Kitten in pancake syrup

that's what I just witnessed. As he jumped onto the table, right into a plate of leftover pancake syrup one of the kids left behind, (instead of placing in the sink)... He's going to town, licking his paws! I don't think he liked the feeling. That will teach him to jump up on the table! That gives me an idea...
if I place the plate on the kids seat, do you think they will learn to clear their spot at the table when they're done eating, after sitting down on the sticky plate?
Somehow I don't think they will learn from that, nor do I feel the cat will stay off the table. Just the same, its a thought I'll consider.

My Apologies

to everyone who may have come in contact with K this past Sunday. There, I said it. In my defense, I suspected she had strep on Sunday evening but I didn't know for sure until yesterday. I am the one who should be worried...and I am. I'm the one she's been clinging to for the past several days, and my throat is starting to bother me in the mornings. Not sure if its the real thing or just in my head. I hope its my imagination getting the best of me because I have NO Insurance, remember?!!?!

I didn't know you, (Princess Di), had found this blog. HeeHee. I don't know why it makes me laugh, but it does!

10 April, 2007

Strep and Old Age

Okay, I finally took K to the doctor this morning. Our pediatrician is off today, so we stopped to see someone in the building. Now, I'm entering this to say that she has strep throat, which I suspected late yesterday. I'm going to divert your attention to another fact that is equally troubling to me about my visit today. The nurse practitioner was a mere baby! She looked so freakin young! I got slammed with a dose of reality, I'm 30 years old! I kind of forgot. Where did the years go? My babies are all in school, I'm looking for a job. I feel like life is beginning again. I'm a little scared. A bit anxious. A lot depressed.

07 April, 2007

Easter Message For Godmother!

T wanted to get you these hyacinths. He wants me to put them in the mail....I'll hold them for you. ;)
They smell wonderful! Happy Easter!!

Easter Message

As you may be able to tell, K has caught a cold. Just in time for Easter, Yay! :(

04 April, 2007

Just a few seconds....

Another photo I wanted to share

The amazing thing is....I can't let the cat outside when Duke is out. He tries to chase and eat him!!! But look how they behave indoors. He is too smart....He knows he can't run from us inside, so he minds the rule: DO NOT EAT THE CAT
Outside, on the other hand, he tries to get away with it. **Sigh**
Like having another kid around!

Here's comes Spring!

Here is that Tball video....his very first time at bat!!
Very boring, but he'll fondly look back on this one day, since he says he's going to play for the Red Sox when he "grows taller".

03 April, 2007

Job Fair

2 Job Fairs tomorrow! I hope that I don't screw up and forget. I wonder if its an open door event or do I have to be on time, for example, it starts at 11AM - 2PM. Do I have to be there at 11? Stupid question but I'm green to all this.

Science Project

Am I the only parent that spends tons of time on reports, projects, experiments and homework??!!?
I feel like I'm back at school. Especially since, I wait until the last minute to pitch in and help. I usually give the kids a chance to do it themselves.....highly unlikely!
Big J says I'm not doing them any good in the long run by always helping out, they've come to expect it. I just can't bring myself to let them flunk. Especially when I suspect that most "good" parents are helping all the way through.
I was up late last night, J has his presentation today. He can't afford a poor grade. I'm crossing my fingers for a "C". I'll be happy with that.

02 April, 2007

Can I add this to my resume?

Check out the chart at the bottom of this web page....
How much should a stay-at-home mom be making?
I'm actually surfing the internet for advice on setting up my resume. (My very first) I've been at home for 12 years! The last 2 have been spent working for myself, but that doesn't make for a very interesting resume. I'm trying to invent some skills that I'm sure I've aquired at home. Just never had to put to paper.

01 April, 2007


Last day of CCD, Palm Sunday.


1st day of T-Ball for T.

He was sooo excited last night and this morning and on our drive to the field....and he's still talking about his "best day ever"
Its so cute. I did think of you and decided to take a little video of his turn at bat. Not sure how to upload it... It's such a nice day out today, finally. I think I'll send the kids out to play, and I'll clean out the car. Its in desperate need of a spring clean-up!

Her are some pics I finally downloaded off my camera:

I couldn't get him to just stand still without posing...